Monday, September 29, 2008

Nip Negative Thinking In The Bud

Thoughts are powerful things. How many people realize how powerful they really are? Where do we get our negative thinking and how can we reverse it?

Where do we get our negative thinking? If we really want to analyze ourselves, most of our negative thinking was programmed in our minds when we were children. It could have come from a number of sources. Family, school, church, and even that beloved TV. Yes, I know what you are thinking, the TV? Yes, and especially if you are watching the news or something horrible before you go to bed. Whether you realize it or not this plants negative seeds in your mind.

It is a wonder that we turned out as well as we did. When I was growing up it was the norm to be told "you will never amount to anything" or "you will never accomplish that, you are not smart enough" or "you will never attract a worthy mate, you are not good enough." The list goes on. Whatever your source is, keep in mind that we don't want to blame them. In most cases, these seeds were planted generations ago, and has been handed down. The good news is; these negative thoughts can be reversed, and here are a few suggestions to help.

First, erase the words "impossible" and "I can't" from your vocabulary.

Start repeating to yourself that you can and that it is possible, and "I will." This is the most important decision you can ever make. Your whole future depends on it. Change your thoughts and you instantly change conditions around you.

Picture yourself wrapping up all your negative thoughts about yourself and throwing them off a bridge.

You must get out from under these negative thoughts. You can't be yourself, and it is impossible to make the right impression on others and to attract good things to you when you are carrying around negative garbage. You must gain emotional control.

You can do this by freeing your consciousness of feelings of resentment, antagonism, hate, and like emotions toward others. These kind of thoughts are keeping you from thinking straight,and holding you back from progress. You must learn how to release the hold that past mistakes, now stored in your consciousness, have upon you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Imagine Your Way to Success

The word imagination is related to the word imagine, "that which is seen." Our self-image is bound to your imagination. You act and feel according to the image your mind holds. You have certain mental images of yourself and your world and the people around you and you behave as though the images were the truth, rather than the things they represent.

The subconscious mind can't tell the difference between a real experience and one that is imagined. It agrees with every suggestion the conscious mind gives it. An imagined experience is perceived and acted on by your subconscious mind exactly the same as a real experience.

Your imagination makes your subconscious mind see what your conscious mind believes. Beliefs are powerful, but your imagination is even more powerful because it can change your beliefs.

When you focus your imagination on the way you wish to be, your conscious mind directs your subconscious mind to accept these new images, and since your subconscious mind will agree and comply with the images your conscious mind creates, acting as if it were true in effect make it true.

So, what do I mean by "Imagine Your Way to Success?' This is creating mental pictures in your mind of what you want. The first step is to decide EXACTLY what it is that you want. Then you will need to develop a "fake it till you make it" attitude.

Here are a few guidelines for creating mental pictures:

  1. Choose the same time each day for your mental pictures, some people do it first thing in the morning, and others at night, and some people do it morning and night. This is the way that I prefer it. Whatever time you choose, it needs to be a time where you will not be disturbed or distracted. The important things are to do it 15 minutes everyday, seven days a week for six weeks. This will make mental picturing a habit.
  2. Make sure you will not be interrupted. Make this YOUR time. If you need to unplug the phone or hang up a DO NOT DISTURB sign and let everyone know that it is to be honored. Imagine that you are watching yourself on a movie screen doing exactly what is is that you want. Make your mental pictures as detailed as possible.
  3. Accept all mental pictures as positive images. Imagine yourself being successful. IN the movie of your mind see yourself acting and responding the way you think you should. Picture yourself moving through your environment "as if" you had already achieved your goal; confident and happy.

Part of your mind is going to try to distract you with things like: did I turn the coffee pot off? Did I lock the doors? Did I let the dog out? Just tell it to shut up an that you will deal with it later. Then return to your mental picture.

Remember that your attitudes, feelings, and behavior change in the direction of what you believe to be true. Through your imagination you can create positive mental pictures of what you want and act as if you have already achieved success.

Paula Snyder

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How Does Your Subconscious Mind Work?

I have mentioned the subconscious mind in my other posts, but I find it necessary to give the functions of it because repetition is essential, the faster your get an understanding of it, the quicker you will be on your way to getting what you want.

The conscious mind is the source of thought, so the subconscious mind is the source of power. It is aware of your desires and it is always pressing into conscious existence. It is a memory vault in which are kept the records of facts and experiences. It is a powerhouse of energy.

The subconscious mind is beyond space and time, and is a powerful sending and receiving station with a universal hook up. It can communicate with the physical, mental, and psychic world. The powers of the subconscious are: intuition, emotion, certitude, inspiration, suggestion, imagination, organization, memory and energy.

The subconscious mind has three primary functions: first, with the intuitive understanding of the bodily needs. Second, in great times of emergency, it springs into immediate action. Third, the psychic powers of the subconscious are manifested in telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis.

In order to draw upon your subconscious, you must first be sure you are asking for something that is rightfully yours and within your ability to handle. It must be conveyed in images of the work having already been done, and you must feel and think yourself successful, and you must actually see yourself as already being successful. You must be patient while the subconscious goes to work for you, and you must be patient and have faith. The subconscious mind will not take the trouble to work for those who do not believe in it.

Here is where Mind Movies come into play. As you will note, the subconscious works in the form of images! What could be better than a movie with you in it, already doing what you desire. How powerful do you think that would be? Remember, your subconscious does not know the difference in what is real or what is imagined!

In due time, you will be flowing with ideas to the solution to your problem. You must receive these messages freely and act on it at once with no question or hesitation on your part. Only by prompt response will you make your subconscious continue to respond when you call on it.

Go here to grab your Mind Movie Creation Kit.

Paula Snyder

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How Can Mind Movies Affect Your Thoughts?

Before you can accomplish what you want to achieve, in and through your own mind, you must know more about the workings of your subconscious. Do you know it's the most remarkable mechanism in the universe? It operates with the precision of a watch if you properly direct it. It is always controlled and directed by your desires and decisions. It is a vast reservior of knowledge that you have acquired through past experiences.

A part of your subconscious is not limited by time or space. It is a powerhouse of energy which reaches out into the universe around you and brings you an awareness of things that could never get through your conscious mind alone. Your subconscious is the one part of you that never sleeps. It possesses a power that is magnetic. It will magnetize conditions around you the moment you give it a clear picture of what you want. And it starts attracting everything you need, even the people you need to meet, to help you get what you are after. When things start happening you often don't realize your subconscious is doing all the work for you.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How Does Mind Movies Work?

In order to understand how Mind Movies work, you must first understand how your conscious and subconscious mind work, and how our imagination plays a huge part in it.

The word "imagination", is related to the word "image", that which is seen. Our self-image is bound with our imagination. It is based 100 percent on what we imagine to be true. We act and feel not according to what things are really like but according to the image your mind holds of what they are like. It's easy to underestimate the role imagination plays in shaping your perceptions. Though you are usually unaware of it, your imagination is constantly active. Your behavior is conditioned by what you imagine to be true, and you can change your behavior by focusing your imagination. Successful people use mental pictures to create positive conditions for their successes, and you can too through Mind Movies. Your imagination makes your subconscious mind see what your conscious mind believes.

Remember that the subconscious mind can't tell the difference between a real experience and one vividly imagined, it can't make a decision or take a joke. It can't tell whether what the conscious mind sends it is fact or not. It just agrees and moves toward the image that it receives consistently. It seeks out any target we set for it or no target at all. It can work for us or against us, depending on how we program it. The subconscious mind always says "yes" to everything the conscious mind tells it. It also moves in the directions in which the conscious mind points it.

The conscious mind looks at options and makes purposeful choices among them. Once the conscious mind has made its selection, all other possible options are eliminated for that given moment.

So in order for Mind Movies to work, it is imperative that you decide what you want. You will never be able to attract anything into your life unless you know EXACTLY what it is that you want. Decision starts an immediate magnetic action in your mind which allows things to start happening to enable it to manifest whatever it is that you want. Decision is born of courage and courage springs from faith in self and the power within.

Here are a few basic steps in order to get you started in using your imagination to visualize what it is that you want.

  1. Set your goal: Decide on what you want, at first choose goals that are fairly easy for you to believe in, that you feel are possible to realize in the near future.
  2. Create a Clear Idea or Picture: (Mind Movies) create an idea or mental picture of the object exactly as you want it. You should think of it in the present tense as already existing the way you want it to be.
  3. Focus on it Often: (watch your Mind Movie) Focus on it clearly, yet in a light, gentle way. It is important not to feel like you are striving too hard for it or putting an excessive amount of energy into it-that would tend to hinder rather than help.
  4. Give it Positive Energy: as you focus on your goal, think about it in a positive, encouraging way. Make strong positive statements to yourself (you can add this to your Mind Movie) that it exists, that is has come or is now coming to you. See yourself receiving or achieving it. These positive statements are called affirmations.

Once you have received what it is that you want, make sure and give yourself a pat on the back, and be sure to thank the universe for fulfilling your request.

When you have a full understanding of how your imagination, conscious and subconscious mind work, you will see the power of Mind Movies, and how it can get you to where you want to be in record time.

Paula Snyder

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mind Movies A Scam?

Mind Movies is a new and powerful way to manifest what you want through visualization. Visualization is using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing new, strange or unusual about visualization. You are already using it every day every minute whether you realize it or not.

Imagination is the ability to create an idea or mental picture in your mind, you use your imagination to create a clear image of something you wish to manifest. Then you continue to focus on the idea or picture regularly, giving it positive energy until it becomes a reality.

Visualization is the magic in the truest and highest meaning of the word. It involves understanding and aligning yourself with the natural principles that govern our universe, and learning to use these principles in the most conscious and creative way.

You must understand first that you actually do not think in think in pictures! If you really think about something you have done today, you actually pictured it in your mind before you actually did it! This is one of the most important facts you can ever learn about your mind. And the next important fact is this: what you picture in your mind, if it unites with the creative power within, can attract to you whatever you fear or desire. This creative power is like a magnet and it doesn't reason, it just produces for you what you order in the form of a mental picture, (visualization, mind movies) with strong feelings of fear or desire behind it.

Did you also know that your subconscious mind can not tell the difference in you actually doing something, or visualizing yourself doing it? So it stands to reason that anything you want to manifest starts in pictures in your mind! What would be better than creating a movie of EXACTLY what you want, and watching it first thing when you get up in the morning and the last thing before you go to bed at night. What do you think would happen? I will answer that for you; you will start manifesting what you really want!

One thing you need to keep in mind once things start happening (and they will) give heed to your hunches when they come. Don't turn a deaf ear to the "voice within." Your inner mind is aware of conditions and things that your conscious mind knows nothing about. It might be in the form of "something told me to do this" or "I had a hunch to do this or that" don't ignore that!

So, do I think Mind Movies is a scam? Absolutely not! I personally think it is the most brilliant idea on the planet today. It takes out so much of the equation; (dream boards, concentration etc..) Just think of how powerful this is, your face doing what you truly want, in the form of a mini movie! Remember, your subconscious mind does not know the difference is what is real and what is visualization, so it is automatically going to go to work for you.

I personally think that Ryan Higgins is going to changes lives all over the planet in record time, and I intend on helping him spread the word!

He is also giving away six free Mind Movies, you can grab yours here before he changes his mind.

Please feel free to email me, I would love to hear from you!

Paula Snyder