Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Imagine Your Way to Success

The word imagination is related to the word imagine, "that which is seen." Our self-image is bound to your imagination. You act and feel according to the image your mind holds. You have certain mental images of yourself and your world and the people around you and you behave as though the images were the truth, rather than the things they represent.

The subconscious mind can't tell the difference between a real experience and one that is imagined. It agrees with every suggestion the conscious mind gives it. An imagined experience is perceived and acted on by your subconscious mind exactly the same as a real experience.

Your imagination makes your subconscious mind see what your conscious mind believes. Beliefs are powerful, but your imagination is even more powerful because it can change your beliefs.

When you focus your imagination on the way you wish to be, your conscious mind directs your subconscious mind to accept these new images, and since your subconscious mind will agree and comply with the images your conscious mind creates, acting as if it were true in effect make it true.

So, what do I mean by "Imagine Your Way to Success?' This is creating mental pictures in your mind of what you want. The first step is to decide EXACTLY what it is that you want. Then you will need to develop a "fake it till you make it" attitude.

Here are a few guidelines for creating mental pictures:

  1. Choose the same time each day for your mental pictures, some people do it first thing in the morning, and others at night, and some people do it morning and night. This is the way that I prefer it. Whatever time you choose, it needs to be a time where you will not be disturbed or distracted. The important things are to do it 15 minutes everyday, seven days a week for six weeks. This will make mental picturing a habit.
  2. Make sure you will not be interrupted. Make this YOUR time. If you need to unplug the phone or hang up a DO NOT DISTURB sign and let everyone know that it is to be honored. Imagine that you are watching yourself on a movie screen doing exactly what is is that you want. Make your mental pictures as detailed as possible.
  3. Accept all mental pictures as positive images. Imagine yourself being successful. IN the movie of your mind see yourself acting and responding the way you think you should. Picture yourself moving through your environment "as if" you had already achieved your goal; confident and happy.

Part of your mind is going to try to distract you with things like: did I turn the coffee pot off? Did I lock the doors? Did I let the dog out? Just tell it to shut up an that you will deal with it later. Then return to your mental picture.

Remember that your attitudes, feelings, and behavior change in the direction of what you believe to be true. Through your imagination you can create positive mental pictures of what you want and act as if you have already achieved success.

Paula Snyder


Chas said...

I find it hard to have any faith in people that talk from both sides of their face. Mr. Tolle talks about being in the "NOW", yet through his Mindmovies he is suggesting we can find wealth and everything by visualizing our future. What is up with this? Total credibility lost! No shortage of fools following him.

Unknown said...

How about instead of "fake it til you make it" you say "faith it til you make it"